7-day Detox 

  • Oversight: Dr. Andrea McSwain
    Instructor: Mary Clevidence
  • Time: 7 Days
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Our 7-Day Detox is designed to enhance your body's natural detoxification and elimination functions. This program targets fat-soluble toxins, converting them into water-soluble forms for safe elimination. Whether you're new to holistic health or need a refreshing boost, we're here to guide you through these vital 7 days!

Support Your Ability to Heal: 
  • Detoxify hundreds of harmful chemicals.
  • Restore your body's innate detoxification capabilities.
  • Personalized support and expert guidance throughout.

Are you ready to embrace vitality? Join us for the 7-Day Detox  and start your transformative journey today!

What's included?

  • 7 Days
  • Discussion Board Support 
  • 3 Detox Supplements
  • 7 day Detox Guidebook
  • Shopping Lists & Recipe Guides

Physician Designed

A physician-designed 7-day detox offers a scientifically crafted approach to enhance your body's natural cleansing processes. By targeting and eliminating fat-soluble toxins, it supports effective detoxification and overall health. The program provides personalized guidance and expert advice, ensuring a safe and structured cleanse. It also helps restore balance, boost energy levels, and improve digestion. Designed for optimal results, this detox promotes a healthier, more vibrant you in just one week.

Step-By-Step Guidance

Join our 7-Day Detox program and benefit from comprehensive, step-by-step guidance. You’ll receive detailed instructions and expert advice to support you throughout your detox journey. Our clear and structured approach ensures you navigate the process with confidence and ease. We offer personalized recommendations and ongoing support to help you effectively cleanse and rejuvenate. Our team is here to assist you every step of the way. Embrace this opportunity for change with our expert help. Achieve a healthier, more vibrant you with our tailored detox program!

Our students love this program  

The 7 day detox is such a great program. Throughout the journey I recieved help from Mary whenever I needed it. She was willing to hop on a call with me to talk through the process which made the detox much easier to understand!


I have struggled for years with dark spots on my abdomen. I have been to many doctors and I have not recieved any answers for what they are or how to get rid of them. My sister is a holsitic nurse and suggested this program. After completing the program, my spots began dissapering and I finally feel like myself again!


I didn't understand how important it was to detox the liver until doing this program! It may seem nerve-wracking to detox for 7 days but honestly that's all it is! After just 7 DAYS I was feeling so much lighter! I had no cravings, less acne, and even lost a few pounds! Don't wait, do it now! Your body will thank you later!


Meet your Instructors

Dr. Andrea McSwain

Doctor of osteopathy

Meet Dr. McSwain, a dedicated partner in health with a multifaceted expertise that spans across conventional and holistic medicine. Trained as a conventionally trained OBGYN and a fifth-generation classical osteopath, Dr. McSwain integrates the best of both worlds to provide comprehensive care to her patients.

Her journey into holistic healthcare was profoundly influenced by her upbringing, where she was mentored by Dr. Gladys McGarey, a co-founder of the American Holistic Medical Association. This early exposure instilled in her a deep-rooted commitment to patient-centered wellness.

Dr. McSwain's approach to medicine is centered on empowering patients to achieve lifelong health by addressing underlying causes rather than just treating symptoms. Utilizing Osteopathic Manual Medicine, she realigns the body, promotes healing, and enhances mobility, all while incorporating age management principles and personalized wellness strategies.

With a solid academic background from Arizona State University and Midwestern University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine, along with additional training from the Institute for Functional Medicine and the American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine, Dr. McSwain offers a transformative journey towards optimal health and well-being.

Join her in embracing a holistic and integrative approach to your health.

Mary Clevidence

Health Coach
Mary is a certified functional medicine health coach trained by the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, known for its excellence in coach training, in collaboration with the Institute for Functional Medicine. She holds a National Board Certification in Health and Wellness Coaching and graduated magna cum laude from the University of Toledo.

With over 30 years of coaching experience, Mary is dedicated to helping clients achieve their unique health goals. She believes in a collaborative approach, drawing from her own healing journey with functional medicine to guide clients towards lasting wellness.

Mary empowers clients to take control of their health through personalized guidance, helping them implement physician-recommended lifestyle changes and create their roadmap to wellness. She understands the importance of a comprehensive, holistic approach to health and is passionate about ensuring everyone has the opportunity to feel their best.